What We Do
MI-AIMH believes that infants, toddlers and young children should come first. We support all 0 – 6 professionals who work to ensure that all young children thrive in loving, nurturing, and secure relationships which matter for health, happiness, learning, and life. We speak up for infants and young children at the family, community, and policy level.
We educate and support the world’s largest network of infant mental health professionals. We offer competency-based professional development through our biennial conference, training series, and individual workshops. MI-AIMH provides learning opportunities for early care and education providers, 0 – 6 home visitors, I-ECMH home visitors, program administrators, policy advocates and faculty who use I-ECMH principles in working and caring for infants and their families. We train hundreds I-ECMH practitioners who provide services to pregnant women, infants, young children, and families.
We offer the nationally- and internationally-recognized Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive Relationship Focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health® (IECMH-E®), that rigorously validates a provider’s education, qualifications, practical and reflective experiences promoting I-ECMH interventions.
29 state IMH associations and 2 international IMH associations have licensed the use MI-AIMH’s Competency Guidelines as a blueprint for IMH training leading to Endorsement®. We publish the IMH Home Visiting Manual, the peer-reviewed Infant Mental Health Journal and innovative infant mental health tools and resources, such as the Baby Stages wheels (a developmental tool for parents) and the Baby Bench Card (a tool to help family law attorneys and judges make better decisions regarding babies in the child welfare system).
MI-AIMH strengthens and supports a diverse infant and early childhood mental health-informed workforce, engaging professionals who represent many different cultures, ethnicities, disciplines and service communities. These professionals support pregnant women, infants, toddlers, young children and families in a variety of ways, integrating I-ECMH principles in their work with families.