MI-AIMH Conference Website (will be updated regularly): https://site.pheedloop.com/event/miaimh2024conference/home
- Scholarship applications are due March 11th
- Registration is OPEN – closes May 6th
- Sponsorship and Exhibitors are currently being accepted
- Use conference link above for all details, applications and to register!
MI-AIMH is excited to launch MI-AIMH RELATE, our new learning management system (LMS) to host all of our training and professional development.
MI-AIMH RELATE is our new training & education hub for students and professionals working with or on behalf of infants, young children and families. Here are a few of the amazing benefits:
- Easy training registration – enter your information ONE TIME and then only need to sign in for future registrations!
- Access Anywhere Anytime – On-Demand videos and trainings will be available for viewing and purchase 24/7!
- Tracking – ability to access professional development certificates & transcripts – no more worrying about lost training certificates!
- Finances – training purchases will be available in your User Portal. You will be able to access and print past purchase receipts and invoices as needed. You will not need to reach out to MI-AIMH staff in order to locate your purchase details.
Click to go to MI-AIMH RELATE homepage: https://www.pathlms.com/mi-aimh
Available trainings will be listed on MI-AIMH RELATE under “Trainings” – showing in the top menu bar

November 2021
DC:0-5 Virtual Training for Clinicians
Registration is OPEN DC:0-5™ Training for Clinicians Virtual Format This training is for Michigan Professionals only Description: This virtual comprehensive training on DC:0- 5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood targets clinicians and leaders from fields of mental health, health and early intervention. This training provides history and background around the need and development of a specialized diagnostic classification system for infancy and early childhood, approaches in diagnosis from an Infant/Early Childhood Mental…
Find out more »2021-2022 Foundations Core Competency Training Series
Foundation for Culturally Sensitive Relationship-focused Infant Mental Health Practice Core Competency Training Series Registration is now open for MI-AIMH’s 10-month curriculum “Foundation for Culturally Sensitive Relationship-focused Infant Mental Health Practice Core Competency Training Series” also known as “Core Curriculum Series”! The Core Curriculum Series focuses on the process and content of Infant Mental Health (IMH) practice as it is applied in 0-6 home visiting programs. This series will take place via Zoom and includes twenty half-day sessions (2 per month)…
Find out more »December 2021
DWIHN – ECLS Foundation for Culturally Sensitive Relationship-Focused Infant Mental Health Practice – Core Competency Series
Registration is OPEN Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network and MI-AIMH Early Childhood Learning Series Foundation for Culturally Sensitive Relationship-focused Infant Mental Health Practice Core Competency Training Series This training is sponsored generously by the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWHN). Therefore, training attendees MUST to be employed by a Detroit Wayne Infant Mental Health program and a coupon code is required to register. With Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network support, this 10-month curriculum will focus on process and content of…
Find out more »2021.12.9.Tackling Hard Conversations in the Reflective Supervision Relationship
Registration is OPEN Tackling Hard Conversations in the Reflective Supervision Relationship This training will focus on the provision of reflective supervision and we welcome those providing RS to staff, interns, or other programs such as Head Start, Early On, Parents as Teachers etc. In this training, we will talk about what gets in the way of us being comfortable to have hard conversations. We will consider the different ways we can approach hard conversations depending on personality,…
Find out more »January 2022
DWIHN- ECLS.Supervisor Series
Registration is OPEN Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network and MI-AIMH Early Childhood Learning Series A Collaborative Space for Discussion & Deeper Examination of Foundational Components of Reflective Supervision & Consultation This training is for those in the DWIHN who currently provide (or have provided) reflective supervision to staff, interns, teachers, etc. This training is sponsored generously by the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWHN). Therefore, training attendees need to be employed by a Detroit Wayne Infant Mental Health program and…
Find out more »2022.Jan.Feb.Introduction to IMH Theory and Practice for Home Visitors
Registration is OPEN An Introduction to Infant Mental Health Theory and Practice for Home Visitors IMH 3-Day Training - Virtual This VIRTUAL training provides Infant Mental Health Home Visiting professionals the opportunity to share and learn about their work through video, group discussion, and clinical observations. participants will consider new ways of working with infants, toddlers, and families that support parent infant relationships. An overview of Infant Mental Health theory, attachment, strategies, assessment, and interventions will be discussed and practiced.…
Find out more »2022.Lunch & Learn Study Group with Michael Trout: ‘This Hallowed Ground’
Registration is OPEN Lunch & Learn Study Group with Michael Trout- 'This Hallowed Ground- Four Decades in Infant Mental Health' What will we do? This will be a unique opportunity to spend dedicated time with Michael Trout and others who are listening to Michael Trout’s audiobook in which his 20 chapters tell the story of his work over 40 years. Collectively, group members will read before each Zoom session and Michael will facilitate discussion. Questions about the stories or clinical…
Find out more »DC:0-5 Virtual Training for Supervisors and Independent Reflective Consultants
Registration is OPEN DC:0-5™ Virtual Training for Clinicians This training is only open to Michigan professionals Description: This virtual comprehensive training on DC:0- 5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood targets clinicians and leaders from fields of mental health, health and early intervention. This training provides history and background around the need and development of a specialized diagnostic classification system for infancy and early childhood, approaches in diagnosis from an Infant/Early Childhood Mental…
Find out more »February 2022
2022.DWIHN.Feb.March.Introduction to IMH Theory & Practice for Home Visitors
Registration is OPEN Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority and MI-AIMH Early Childhood Learning Series An Introduction to Infant Mental Health Theory and Practice for Home Visitors This training is sponsored generously by the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWHN). Therefore, training attendees need to be employed by a Detroit Wayne Infant Mental Health program and a registration code is required to register. This three-day training provides Infant Mental Health home visiting professionals the opportunity to share and learn about their…
Find out more »March 2022
DC:0-5 Virtual Training for Clinicians
Registration is OPEN DC:0-5™ Virtual Training for Clinicians This training is only open to Michigan professionals Description: This virtual comprehensive training on DC:0- 5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood targets clinicians and leaders from fields of mental health, health and early intervention. This training provides history and background around the need and development of a specialized diagnostic classification system for infancy and early childhood, approaches in diagnosis from an Infant/Early Childhood Mental…
Find out more »