Partnership and Sponsorship Opportunities
Prevention is best achieved in collaboration!
Through our work, the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health strives to create a future where every child has the opportunity to grow and thrive in nurturing and supportive environments. By investing in workforce development, promoting health equity, and engaging with communities, we lay the foundation for a brighter future for all Michigan families.
We invite businesses and organizations to join us in our mission to promote infant mental health and support the healthy development of Michigan’s youngest children by sponsoring one of our initiatives! We have a network of over 3000 early childhood professionals from all over the state of Michigan who work to put babies, young children and families first. By supporting the power of infant mental health, you’ll help ensure that Michigan’s young children thrive in loving, nurturing, and secure relationships which provide for better outcomes for all. Learn more about our opportunities for collaboration and partnership below.

Partnership and Sponsorship Opportunities
MI-AIMH Biennial Conference Sponsorship
This is the premiere professional development and networking opportunity for MI-AIMH members as well as infant and early childhood mental health professionals from around the nation. This high-caliber conference is soley dedicated to infant and early childhood mental health best practices, attracting world renowned clinicians, policy makers, and research faculty who present cutting edge information about attachment, early relationship development, and reflective supervision for work with infants, young children and their families. The conference challenges hearts and minds, deepens understanding of work with families, and re-energizes professional’s dedication to promoting and supporting secure, nurturing relationships early in life – when they matter most. Potential sponsors can expect at least 650 infant and early childhood mental health professionals to attend this conference. Visit our conference sponsorship website HERE.
Year Round and Project Specific Sponsorship Opportunities
As the needs in the field is ever changing, MI-AIMH’s priority areas evolve with it. We strive to create opportunities with philanthropic foundations, organizations and businesses that are mutually beneficial. We would like to hear about your mission and together we will create a meaningful experience in your support of infants and toddlers across Michigan. Reach out MI-AIMH’s Executive Director Joni Zieldorff at to learn more.
Are Sponsorships tax-deductible?
Yes, the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) is a 501c3. MI-AIMH was established in 1977.
A sponsorship qualifies as tax-deductible only to the extent that it exceeds the value of any benefits the sponsor receives in return (e.g. tickets, conference registration, etc.) The exception is if the sponsor declines to use the registration or offers the conference registrations back to MI-AIMH to use as scholarships, then the full amount would be tax-deductible. MI-AIMH will receipt all sponsorships accordingly. Please note: This information is not to take the place of professional legal or accounting advice. Sponsors should always consult their tax or legal professionals with questions about tax considerations.