Jackson/Hillsdale Association For Infant Mental Health
Supporting Relationships for Infants and Families while learning and growing together
Jackson Hillsdale Infant Mental Health Chapter is a group of members from the following; Department of Health and Human Services, Community Mental Health practitioners, health care, Early Head Start, and Early On. Our purpose is to increase community awareness of the first three years of life as a critical period in the psycho-social development of children. In addition, we promote coordinated efforts in the community to respond to the needs of infants and their families. Recent projects include on going Baby Bench Card trainings for DHHS CPS/Foster Care workers, Babies Speak, and sharing resources. We are currently meeting monthly through Zoom; 4th Monday of each month from 1-2PM. For more information; please see below.
Chapter facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Jackson-Hillsdale-IMH-Chapter-2332834566802120/
Chapter Officers
Name | Chapter Position |
Andrea Bricker, LPC, IMH-E® Hillsdale County abricker@integroservices.net | President and Chapter Representative |
Ula Rutan Hewson, LPC, IMH-E® Hillsdale County urutan@integroservices.net | Secretary |
Anna Weide, LMSW, IMH-E ® Jackson aweide@caajlh.org | Treasurer |