Mid-Michigan Chapter

Nurturing Relationships “The Mid Michigan Chapter of MI-AIMH serves Infant Mental Health Therapist and other 0-3 providers in and around Gratiot County.  We provide support and education around the provision of services to infants and toddlers and their families.  Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic we held bi-monthly meetings featuring speakers on a variety of topics Learn More →

West Michigan Chapter

Nurturing Relationships The West Michigan Chapter is a group of professionals from a variety of disciplines and settings who are passionate about their work with infants, young children and their families.  Trainings are offered quarterly and all are welcome.

Washtenaw-Lenawee-Livingston-Monroe Chapter

Nurturing Relationships Informal meetings are scheduled throughout the year in Washtenaw, Livingston, and Monroe counties. Discussion topics and activities cover a wide range of subjects related to supporting the families of infants, toddlers and young children. Trainings on specific topics are also offered throughout the year.  We welcome new members at any time! Chapter Officers

Upper Peninsula Association for Infant Mental Health

Supporting Relationships for Infants and Families The Upper Peninsula Association of Infant Mental Health was first organized in 1993 by some of the pioneers in the field in Michigan: Mary K Peterson, Sally Hruska, Ruth Botbyl, Dianne Goodman, Cookie Aho, Lee Carlson, Fran Majestic and Jennifer Cihak. Over the years, chapter goals have been to Learn More →

Southwest Michigan Chapter

Learning and Growing Together If you live or work in the following counties, the SW Chapter may be the right fit for you!  Allegan, Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, or Van Buren. Interested in finding out more about the Southwest Chapter?    


MI-AIMH occasionally accepts members from other locations.   Check out Alliance Associations to see if your state is part of The Alliance for the Advancement for Infant Mental Health or contact the Alliance Associate Director.

Northwest Michigan Chapter

Supporting Relationships for Infants, Young Children and Families Mission Statement: Promote healthy social emotional relationships for young children 0-5 and their families Guiding Principle: To emphasize both infancy and early childhood as critical periods of development For more information, check out the Northwest Michigan Chapter Facebook page!   Community partners that participate with our chapter’s board include:   Learn More →

Northeast Michigan Chapter

Supporting Relationships for Infants and Families Positions available!! Interested?  Contact MI-AIMH Executive Director.  

Metro-Detroit Association for Infant Mental Health

Supporting Nurturing Relationships The Metro Detroit Association for Infant Mental Health (MD-AIMH) was organized in 1983 to support the work of MI-AIMH and those working with or on behalf of infants, young children, and their families/caregivers.  MD-AIMH seeks to promote and support nurturing relationships and the social-emotional needs of infants and young children. MD-AIMH generally Learn More →

Jackson/Hillsdale Association For Infant Mental Health

Supporting Relationships for Infants and Families while learning and growing together Jackson Hillsdale Infant Mental Health Chapter is a group of members from the following; Department of Health and Human Services, Community Mental Health practitioners, health care, Early Head Start, and Early On. Our purpose is to increase community awareness of the first three years Learn More →

Mid-Eastern Michigan

The Mid-Eastern Michigan chapter (formerly Gen-ShiAIMH) exists to support the professionals whose work promotes the mental, social, and emotional health of very young children and their caregivers.   

Blue Water (Thumb) Chapter

Supporting Relationships for Infants, Toddlers & their Families. Positions available!! Interested?  Contact MI-AIMH Executive Director.

Capital Area Network for the Early Years

Nurturing Relationships The Capital Area Network for the Early Years (CANEY) is comprised of professionals working on behalf of infants, toddlers, and their families across multidisciplinary areas. CANEY members include early childhood educators, clinical social workers, early intervention specialists, Infant Mental Health specialists, occupational and physical therapists, psychologists, infancy researchers, and professionals dedicated to policy Learn More →

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