REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS FULL! If you are interested in having your name added to the waiting list, please email Lindi Kanine at with your request.
Infant Mental Health Practice Today: Assessing and Nurturing Parental Reflective Functioning
The program will begin with an overview of the challenges facing infant mental health clinicians today, specifically managing the impact of significant trauma, toxic stress, and mental illness on young families. Parental reflective functioning plays a key role in limiting the intergenerational transmission of trauma, early adversity, and insecure attachment, and thus is often the target of intervention in parent-child work.
On day one of the program, we will review the findings and clinical strategies of Minding the Baby®, an interdisciplinary reflective home visiting program aimed at improving health and mental health outcomes in mothers and their infants. Tools used to assess parental reflective functioning — The Pregnancy Interview and the Parent Development Interview — will be introduced and their potential utility in parent-child intervention will be discussed.
On day two of the program, we will focus on strategies for using these interviews clinically to assess reflective capacities and the quality of maternal representations. We will use interviews collected in a range of parent-interventions as the focus of discussion.
Presented by: Arietta Slade, Ph.D.
Hosted by: MPSI, Infant Mental Health Program at WSU; MPSI, Healthier Urban Families Outreach Program at WSU; Metro-Detroit Association for Infant Mental Health; and MI-AIMH
CEU’s: Pending approval for 11 Michigan SW CEU’s and will also count toward the requirements for the MI-AIMH Endorsement®.
Early bird registration: Non-member, day-one only: $100; Non-member, both days: $150; Member, day-one only: $75; Member, both days: $115
General registration: Non-member, day-one only: $125; Non-member, both days: $185; Member, day-one only: $100; Member, both days: $150
Registration includes continental breakfast and CEUs. Lunch is not included.
Registration deadlines:
Early bird registration: August 29th
General registration: September 26th
Cancellation policy: Notice of cancellation must be submitted no later than 7 days prior to the event for a refund to be issued.
Note: Agency checks should be made payable to MI-AIMH. Please indicate the names of all staff attending the training.
Mail checks to: MI-AIMH, 13101 Allen Road, Southgate, MI 48195
For registration questions, contact Lindi Kanine at: or 734-785-7705, Ext. 7833