Focusing on a new crosswalk model linking DC:0-3R axes to DSM-5, this case discussion session will introduce participants to a step-wise diagnostic thinking process for organizing assessment data to clarify diagnostic issues and prioritize treatment needs. The diagnostic thinking process helps to 1) operationalize developmentally informed, observation-based strategies for examination of presenting problems 2) ground diagnostic thinking in essential questions about a child’s functional social emotional competencies, developmental progression and relationship context, and 3) establish a strong connection between diagnostic formulation and treatment planning. The crosswalk model supports identification of risks/stresses that threaten to derail overall developmental and social-emotional progress or contribute to significant deterioration in areas of life functioning or adaptive capacity. This breadth of perspective highlights limitations of DSM and ICD Axis I for diagnostic formulation in work with young children and their families. Participants attending this one-day refresher course should have attended a two-day DC: 0-3 R training previously.
Registration begins at: 8:00 A.M.
Presenter: Donna Weston, Ph.D., IMH-E® (IV)
CEU’s: Approved for 7 Michigan SW CEU’s and will also count toward the requirements for the MI-AIMH endorsement.
Registration: $60.00 for non-members, $45.00 for MI-AIMH members, and $10.00 for CEUS.
Registration deadline: April 4, 2016
Cancellation policy: Notice of cancellation must be submitted no later than 7 days prior to the event for a refund to be issued.
Note: Agency checks should be made payable to MI-AIMH. Please indicate the names of all staff attending the training.
Mail checks to: MI-AIMH, ATTN: Deborah Kahraman, 13101 Allen Road, Southgate, MI 48195
For registration questions, contact Deborah Kahraman at: or 734-785-7705, Ext. 7194