Day 1: This workshop will examine Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in very young children. The presenters will offer an “inside out” perspective and discuss ASD from developmental, relational and transdisciplinary perspectives. The prevalence and diagnostic criteria regarding autism for the past 30 years will be reviewed, and recent findings from the brain sciences will be considered as part of the need to distinguish “core” versus “derivative” differences. An interpersonal model of emotional and social development will be presented and participants will delve into the critical importance of understanding the seven neurosensory system. Participants will learn about the socio-cultural context of disability and the emerging field of “neurodiversity”. Principles and practices to support full inclusion will be examined and participants will also learn about “Universal Design for Learning” (UDL): ways to support engagement and learning in children. A template for describing a child’s “unique profile” will also be presented and strategies to support “transformational thinking” about ASD as well as the critical importance of reflective practices will be reviewed.
Presenters: Gerard Costa, PhD, DIR-C, IMH-E® (IV) & Corinne Catalano, MA, DIR-C, IMH-E® (IV)
CEUs: CECHs and SSW-CEs available pending approval
Registration: $40 for members of sponsoring agencies, $90 for members of non-sponsoring agencies. Registration includes lunch.
Registration deadline: April 22, 2016
For additional information: Contact Stacy Parent at or 231-313-6755