Early Childhood Learning Series
IMH Program Supervisors are invited to join Dr. Carla Barron for a leadership training day.This leadership retreat for reflective supervisors is being held during an extremely challenging time in our community, our state, and our country. During this time of shared societal trauma including the COVID-19 pandemic and being in the midst of exposed racism, it is critical to offer reflective supervisors with an opportunity to engage in their own reflection, to deepen their self-awareness, and build a felt sense of generosity and grace toward themselves and each other. Reflective supervisors listen, see, and hold the experiences of so many. This retreat is to offer the same to them. Utilizing the framework of a reflective supervision model, including the understanding that relationships impact relationships, supervisors will engage in discussion and reflection related to their own experiences, strengths, and challenges when providing supervision within a community mental health setting. It will be an opportunity for collaboration, clinical support and networking. This training is only for those in the DWIHN who currently provide supervision to staff. This is different from previous supervisor trainings.
Presenter: Carla Barron, PhD, LMSW, IMH-E®
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the role of the reflective supervisor during a time of extreme uncertainty for staff, client families, agencies, & programs.
- Recognize individual, relational, and systemic challenges to reflective supervision.
- Examine ways to navigate diversity & difference within reflective supervision.
- Utilize small and large group discussion to identify ways to navigate challenges in reflective supervision.
- Apply the Diversity-Informed tenets to their perspectives of reflective supervision.
- Provide reflective supervisors with opportunities to receive support and a sense of being heard and seen.
Continuing Education Information – 5.5 training hours:
Social Work – Approved for 5.5 Michigan SW CEU’s
IMH Endorsement® – Will count towards the requirements for the MI-AIMH Endorsement®
NEW! Licensed Professional Counselors – NBCC Hours – Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.6867. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. MI-AIMH is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Key MI-AIMH Competencies addressed include:
Coming soon
This training is sponsored generously by the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN). Therefore, training attendees need to be employed by a Detroit Wayne Infant Mental Health program and a coupon code is required to register. If you work outside of Detroit-Wayne County and are interested in the training topic, please contact Tiffanie Martinez tmartinez@mi-aimh.org, MI-AIMH Communications and Training Specialist, about the possibility of bringing this trainer to your area.
Registration deadlines: Registration will close on Sept. 14th.
For registration questions, contact Tiffanie Martinez at: tmartinez@mi-aimh.org or 734-785-7705, Ext. 7617